
Net Information
Who We Are
Net Procedures
Net Control Information
Contribution Info
About Advisories
Satellite Imagery
Aircraft Recon
Buoy & C-Man Data
Email Subscriptions
Terms & Tools
Beaufort Wind Scale
Conversion Tools
Saffir-Simpson Scale
Outreach and Education
Storm Surge
Storm Names
Privacy Policy

Frequently Asked Questions of the Hurricane Watch Net
- Q. When does the net begin operations?
- A. The Hurricane Watch Net generally activates whenever a tropical cyclone has achieved Hurricane status in the Atlantic Hurricane Basin and is within 300 statute miles of populated landmass. This can vary, however, due to the forward speed and intensity of the storm, or at the request of the forecasters at the National Hurricane Center or the Canadian Hurricane Centre.
- Q. What information does the Hurricane Watch Net collect for the National Hurricane Center?
- A. As a storm approaches land, and at landfall, the Net collects weather observations (including wind speed, wind direction, wind gusts, barometric pressure, rainfall - how much over x-amount of time – flooding, storm surge, damage, and any other information that might assist the forecasters of the National Hurricane Center get a better picture of the storm.
- Q. With all the new and modern equipment that the National Weather Service has, such as Doppler Radar, are ground reports still important?
- A. Yes!!! While the National Weather Service collects and analyzes weather data from Hurricane Hunter Aircraft, Satellite Imagery, Doppler Radar, and weather buoys at sea, there is still no better equipment than the human eye on the ground that can give an accurate report of conditions.
- Q. How do I determine the speed of the wind?
- A. While the National Hurricane Center prefers measured data (relatively inexpensive amateur weather stations are available from many sources), we do accept estimated condition reports. To better assist us in estimating wind speed, please refer to the Beaufort Wind Scale as it is very helpful. Please click here for more information.
- Q. I have listened to the Hurricane Watch Net for years but never checked in. Should I check in to let you know that I am available to assist?
- A. Before checking into the Net, listen long enough to determine the nature and immediacy of what is happening. If the Hurricane is still hours from landfall, the Net Control will provide you a window of opportunity to check in.
DO NOT check into the Net if the Hurricane is within an hour of landfall and you are not in the Affected Area or can not relay or supply information of immediate value to the Net or Hurricane Center.
- Q. How can I become a Net Control Station?
- A. Please visit our membership information page by clicking here.
- Q. Does the Hurricane Watch Net activate for Eastern Pacific Basin Storms?
- A: Generally speaking, it is very rare for the Hurricane Watch Net to activate for Hurricanes affecting land in the Eastern Pacific Basin. However, when requested by the National Hurricane Center in Miami, we will activate.
- Q. Do you only accept stations in Hurricane Areas for membership?
- A. No. We have an urgent need for stations in the Mid-West and West Coast areas of the United States that can control the net as propagation shifts west. We also need stations in Central America and the Caribbean. Lastly, we need Bilingual Net Control Operators who are fluent in Spanish, Creole, as well as English.
- Q. My class of amateur license will not allow me to work on the 20 meter band. Is there anyway that I can help?
- A. Sure. The National Hurricane Center monitors the APRS packet reporting system. Submit your information via APRS or better yet connect a weather station to your
packet set up for automatic reporting.
If your station is not HF equipped to allow operations on 14.325.00 MHz and/or 7.268.00 MHz, or your license will not allow for HF voice, yet you are equipped for VHF/UHF, then you may want to check with our Sister Net, the VoIP Hurricane Net. For more information on the VoIP Hurricane Net, please click here.
- Q. I'm not a ham radio operator. Is there any way I can participate?
- A. Yes. The National Hurricane Center collects observations from people in coastal areas who have home weather stations. Send an e-mail to wx4nhc@wx4nhc.org and
request information about this program or use their on-line submission form by clicking here.
- I'm vacationing in the Caribbean / Bahamas / Central America / Miami or elsewhere in the tropics during hurricane season. What's my chance of getting hit by
a hurricane?
- A. The Tropical Cyclone Frequently Asked Questions (which by the way is an excellent reference and starting place for learning about tropical cyclones) has the
answer to this: http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/hrd/tcfaq/G15.html. Additionally, the NHC climatology
page could provide more insight.
- How do I understand the advisories? Where can I get definitions of the terminology used in them?
- Start with these help pages:
We also offer two Glossaries and a list of commonly used acronyms and abbreviations:
The latter is an extensive list of weather-related terms.
- What is UTC or GMT Time?
- A. See here for more details:
- I heard that there is a tropical cyclone somewhere in the Atlantic / Caribbean / Gulf of Mexico / Eastern Pacific. How can I find out if I am at risk?
- A. First, go back to the HWN homepage (you can click on the Hurricane Watch Net logo at the top left corner of the page as a quick
short cut). If there is an active storm, click on the link for that storm and you will be taken to the appropriate Atlantic or Eastern Pacific Products page. Look at the graphics for each
storm that's currently active to see if it looks like it may be headed your way. Read the latest advisories for more information.
Also note that if you live in the United States and a tropical cyclone is threatening your part of the coastline then the local NWS Weather
Forecast Offices will issue Hurricane Local Statements if their areas are threatened. The Atlantic Products contains
a link to a map of the coastal areas of the United States and Puerto Rico. This map contains links to the area you choose. If that local NWS is issueing Hurricane Local Statements
then that information will appear. From these links you can find detailed local information tailored specifically for your area.
More Questions about Hurricanes?
Visit AOML's Hurricane Research Division FAQ for more detailed cyclone-related questions.