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Hurricane Watch Net Activation Plans

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The Hurricane Watch Net is manned entirely by volunteers. We generally activate whenever a system has achieved hurricane status and is within 300 statute miles of populated landmass or at the request of the forecasters at National Hurricane Center. However, we will base our activation timing upon forward speed and intensity of the storm.

To achieve mission goals, the HWN relies upon its members…experienced Net Control Operators. Some are seasoned ex-military and/or MARS operators. Others have gained their experience through public service roles. Our members are strategically located throughout the US, Canada, Central America, and the Caribbean. To better assist those who speak Spanish only, HWN has a number of bilingual operators.

When activated, you will find us on 14.325 MHz (USB) by day and 7.268 MHz (LSB) by night. If propagation dictates, daytime operations will be conducted on both frequencies simultaneously. Why do we state these frequencies without a plus or minus? Because those who are using marine radios have to program frequencies via a keypad – marine radios do not have a VFO or RIT (a dial). Furthermore, these frequencies come preprogrammed into many marine radios. Many non-hams listen in via shortwave radio and know this is where to find us when we are activated. Before any net activation, if either frequency is in use, we always ask permission to use them. Additionally, it is our practice of being on the air ahead of the amateur radio station at the National Hurricane Center – WX4NHC – for the explicit purpose to establish our net operating frequency, to issue advisory data, and to line up reporting stations. It helps us tremendously to know the operator's locations, names, and weather measuring capabilities in advance of the storm’s arrival.

NOTE: During any Net activation, operations on 7.268.00 MHz will suspend @ 7:30 AM ET to allow the “Waterway Radio and Cruising Club Net – WRCC” (aka, the Waterway Net) to conduct their daily morning Net. If required, due to poor daytime propagation on 14.325.00 MHz, operations on 7.268.00 MHz may be required at the conclusion of the Water Way Net, generally around 8:30 AM ET.

Whenever the Hurricane Watch Net is not active, you can hear the latest information on 14.300.00 MHz (USB).

We invite you to monitor the status of all active storms through information presented on our web site.

Please remember to visit this page frequently for the latest net activation information.

Kind Regards,
Net Management